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responsible individual中文是什么意思

用"responsible individual"造句"responsible individual"怎么读"responsible individual" in a sentence


  • 有责任感的人


  • His behavior will be that of responsible individual
  • In a mature organization , responsible individuals perform repeatable workforce practices as ordinary and expected requirements of their positions
  • Through this initiative , we hope the students have gained a solid understanding of personal finance . the goal is to help them become financially responsible individuals .
  • Commercial invoice must be identified by a responsible individual who has knowledge of , or can readily obtain knowledge of , the facts of the transaction , and who must be an employee of the exporter
  • Mr . atul malik firmly believed that citibank s commitment to financial education has paid off in the community as the course for 2004 - 2005 was a tremendous success : " we hope that this course will give students not only a better understanding of the banking industry and its practices , but also a deeper appreciation of personal financial management so that they can become financially responsible individuals .
    有见于20042005年度的课程获得空前成功, citibank环球个人银行服务总经理马立衡先生相信, citibank对理财教育及社会的承诺已初见成果:我们希望此课程不单为学生提供有关银行业的知识,同时更让他们了解个人理财的重要性,让他们懂得为自己的财务安排负责。
用"responsible individual"造句  
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